Family-Operated Rehabilitation Clinic

About Our Results-Driven Physical Therapy Services

At Midlothian Healthcare Center, you will find compassionate providers delivering high-quality care designed to help you reach your optimum wellness. Our physical therapy services in Midlothian are customized to suit each patient’s unique needs and goals. Our providers use a range of cutting-edge techniques, including soft tissue mobilization and cold therapy.

What Is Physical Therapy?

Physical therapy is a healthcare treatment that eases pain, improves range of motion and strength, and optimizes physical functioning. At Midlothian Healthcare Center, our physical therapy for older adults is designed to help them overcome age-related challenges, such as loss of muscle tone and flexibility, thereby reducing the risk of a fall. Physical therapy services can also help older adults cope with chronic health conditions and heal from traumatic medical events, such as surgery or a heart attack. Our physical therapy for young adults typically involves overcoming a specific physical ailment, such as a broken ankle or carpal tunnel syndrome.

Are Physical Therapy Services Right for Me?

Physical therapy is ideal for many people. If you’ve been told that you may need surgery to correct a physical problem, our therapy services may help you avoid surgery altogether. If surgery is unavoidable, you may begin working with a physical therapist before and/or after your operation to aid your recovery and regain lost strength.

Physical therapy for older adults is effective at preventing or mitigating many age-related issues, such as an increased risk of falls. Our team guides patients through specialized exercises designed to improve balance and reduce falls in real-life situations.

This treatment modality is ideal for patients with short-term or long-term health conditions. The following are just a few examples of the conditions treatable with physical therapy for young adults and older adults:

  • Vertigo and balance disorders
  • Chronic back and shoulder pain
  • Stroke
  • Work-related injuries
  • Sports injuries
  • Burn injuries
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome

How Will Physical Therapy Help Me?

Our physical therapy services can help you enjoy better health and a better quality of life. You can look forward to the following:

  • Reduced or eliminated pain and muscle spasms
  • Improved strength, range of motion, and flexibility
  • Elimination of painful adhesions
  • Better stamina and balance

In short, our physical therapy services can help you function at your best and get back to doing the things you love without pain.

What You Should Expect at Our Office in Ellis County

When you visit Midlothian Healthcare Center, you’ll be asked to complete some paperwork, including a medical questionnaire. Your physical therapist will then evaluate you, asking questions about your specific health issue and your goals for recovery. He or she will conduct a physical exam to determine your current level of functioning and limitations. Then, your physical therapist will develop a customized treatment plan. Physical therapy treatment generally consists of stretches, exercises, and manual therapies.

Our Cold Therapy Services in Midlothian, TX

Cold therapy, also known as cryotherapy, involves the precise application of coldness to acutely and sub-acutely injured body parts. Cold therapy is often helpful because it rapidly reduces pain without the need for medications. It also constricts the blood vessels in the area. By reducing blood flow, cryotherapy is able to reduce swelling and inflammation, which aids in the healing process. We may recommend cold therapy for you if you have an acute injury such as tendinitis or bursitis.

Our Soft Tissue Mobilization Services

Among our physical therapy services is soft tissue mobilization. If you’ve sustained a soft tissue injury, your body can develop scar tissue and adhesions, which lead to pain and reduced range of motion. Our therapists provide soft tissue mobilization—a hands-on, manual therapy designed to break down adhesions and optimize the function of your muscles, ligaments, and other soft tissues. Ultimately, the goal of soft tissue mobilization is to improve quality of life and physical functioning.

Soft tissue mobilization can treat a range of conditions, including the following:

  • Tennis elbow
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Tendinitis
  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Bursitis

Our physical therapists use a range of soft tissue mobilization techniques, such as manual lymphatic drainage, manual traction, and the strain-counterstrain technique. 

Schedule Physical Therapy Services in Ellis County, TX

Midlothian Healthcare Center proudly serves the residents of Midlothian, Mansfield, Waxahachie, and the nearby areas in Ellis County, Texas. No matter what physical ailment you’re suffering from, our highly skilled providers can help you overcome it and enjoy a pain-free life. Contact us today to request an appointment for our physical therapy services.